Today was a very special day for our community

After several procedures and teamwork with sister organizations, we managed to acquire an emergency unit for the benefit of our town and surrounding rural area.

Thanks to our friend and colleague Matt Cone, Claubase Foundation, and all the people who contributed financially to make this dream come true.

To our local authorities for their trust and support , to the Lic.Moncerrat Flores Higuera , for his dedication in the efforts that were carried out , to Mr.Jesus Miguel León for his support in large part with the procedures , to each and every one of you, thank you...

Fundación Azul Cerralvo

We formed as a support group since 2006 and after 11 years of community work we legalized and constituted ourselves as a non-profit civil association. In 2020 we obtained our license as an authorized donee.

Do You have Question? Call Or Visit us.

Calle Domicilio Conocido S/N colonia El Sargento C.P. 23232 La Paz, Baja California Sur